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With type

Type design, calligraphy, and lettering are closely related but have distinct processes and purposes. We have developed syllabi and methods through university classes and workshops to share our passion for letters, alphabets, and fonts.

Picture of the author


In our Latin workshops, we cover a range of topics, including calligraphic models, different historical styles, principles of proportions, and other fascinating subjects. Throughout the process, we incorporate historical documents and encourage discussions to provide the best possible context for practicing type design. We explore various tools and methods to research shapes and details, and then guide you through the steps of generating ideas and establishing a type family recipe. We also delve into the digital aspect, covering topics such as working with bezier curves and using Glyphs. During our workshops, we take a step-by-step approach to cover all of these topics.

The ultimate goal of our Latin workshops is to inspire you to explore solutions, define your concept, utilize digital tools, and ultimately produce a font.

Online Latin class at Notefolio

Online Latin class at Notefolio

Alternative text
Fig. 1
AG Typography Institute Latin Worshop
Week 1


Explore the history of Latin typefaces. By observing various classifications, we will follow the development of Latin typefaces from the past to the present.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 2

Type drawing practice

Practice Latin calligraphy. We will practice four categories: Construction, System, Translation/Expansion, and Refinement.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 3

Basic theory of Type design

We'll discuss the basic theories you need to know when creating typefaces and learn the basic usage of Glyphs.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 4

Type design planning

We'll discuss how to make a typeface concept and learn about Glyphs' interpolation function. Also, take some time to play Type Cooker in the middle.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 5

Spacing between letters + Feedback

We'll discuss the spacing between letters (spacing, kerning) and provide feedback on each person's typeface concept.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 6

Type design work progress 1 + Feedback

Provide individual task feedback. At the same time, we explore library time: sample collections from old typefaces to the present.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 7

Spacing between letters 2 + Feedback

We'll discuss the theory of basic punctuation marks. Provide individual task feedback. At the same time, we explore library time: sample collections from old typefaces to the present.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 8

Spacing between letters 3 + Feedback

We'll discuss basic number drawing and individual task feedback is provided.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 9

Export fonts + Making Type Specimen

We'll discuss refining your entire letter, creating a font file, and creating a type specimen.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 10

Project presentation

Each person takes time to present and conclude their work.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Alternative text
Fig. 2
Ecal Hangeul class


In our Hangeul workshops, same as Latin, we cover a range of topics, including calligraphic models, different historical styles, principles of proportions, and other fascinating subjects. Throughout the process, we incorporate historical documents and encourage discussions to provide the best possible context for practicing type design. We explore various tools and methods to research shapes and details, and then guide you through the steps of generating ideas and establishing a type family recipe. We also delve into the digital aspect, covering topics such as working with bezier curves and using Glyphs. During our workshops, we take a step-by-step approach to cover all of these topics.

The ultimate goal of our Hangeul workshops is to inspire you to explore solutions, define your concept, utilize digital tools, and ultimately produce a font. For foreigners, the focus is on the process of understanding Hangeul and creating a typeface. For Koreans, the focus is on learning the production process of the Hangeul typeface and creating a high-quality result.

Hangeul class at Ecal

Hangeul class at Ecal

Week 1

Introduction + Basic Hangeul

We'll discuss the definition of Hangeul, examples of Hangeul usages, and some basic principles. Moreover, we'll learn how to write and read Hangeul by practice sheets.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 2

History of Hangeul 1 + Tracing

We'll start exploring the history of Hangeul typefaces: The Early, mid, late Choseon dynasty (1443-1910) & Japanese colonial era (1890 | 1910-1940). At the same time, we will draw according to the style of that era.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 3

History of Hangeul 2 + Tracing

We'll keep exploring the history of Hangeul typefaces: The phototypesetting era (1940-1970) & The digital era (1990-2023). At the same time, we will draw according to the style of that era.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 4

Drawing Hangeul typeface 1

We'll discuss how to make a typeface concept. Also, take some time to play Type Cooker in the middle.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 5

Drawing Hangeul typeface 2

Provide individual task feedback. (Concept selection). At the same time, we'll discuss how to create Hangeul glyphs and smart components in Glyphs.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 6

Drawing Hangeul typeface 3

Provide individual task feedback.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 7

Drawing Hangeul typeface 4

Provide individual task feedback.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 8

Drawing Hangeul typeface 5

Provide individual task feedback.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 9

Developing Hangeul typeface 6

Provide individual task feedback.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 10

Developing Hangeul typeface 7 (+ Poster & Specimen)

Provide individual task feedback. At the same time, we start the graphic poster and type specimen poster together.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 11

Developing Hangeul typeface 8 (+ Poster & Specimen)

Provide individual task feedback.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "divider", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
Week 12

Finalising Hangeul typeface (+ Poster & Specimen)

Each person takes time to present and conclude their work.


Workshops can be created in various forms and for various periods depending on schedule and situation. If you are interested, please let us know. (info@lo-ol.design)


For technical questions, help or assistance with our fonts, please send us a message to this email address


Any question you might have on the fonts, the license or custom fonts are available here

Letter K of Kronik Grotesk made of light blue and emerald minerals